Free Hosting

9 Best Free Website Hosting to Host Your Website in 2024

Website hostingrefers to the service of storing and maintaining files and data that make up a website, making it accessible to users on the internet. When you create a website, it consists of various files such as HTML documents, images, videos, and other resources. These files need to be stored on a server that is connected to the internet so that people can visit your site by typing in your domain name.

What is Website hosting?

Website hosting is essential for making your website accessible on the internet. Choosing the right hosting provider and plan depends on factors like your website’s size, traffic volume, technical requirements, and budget. Understanding different types of hosting and their features will help you make an informed decision to ensure your website performs optimally and meets your business or personal needs online.

Types of Hosting

  • Shared Hosting: Your website shares server resources (CPU, RAM, disk space) with other websites hosted on the same server. It’s cost-effective and suitable for small to medium-sized websites with moderate traffic.
  • VPS Hosting (Virtual Private Server): VPS hosting provides a virtualized server environment where each website has dedicated resources. It offers more control, scalability, and performance compared to shared hosting.
  • Dedicated Hosting: With dedicated hosting, you have an entire physical server dedicated solely to your website. This option provides maximum control, performance, and security but is more expensive.
  • Cloud Hosting: Cloud hosting utilizes multiple servers working together in a virtual environment to host websites. It offers scalability, reliability, and flexibility, as resources can be dynamically allocated based on demand.

Importance of Choosing the Right Hosting Provider:

  • Performance: A reliable hosting provider ensures your website loads quickly and is accessible to visitors at all times. This affects user experience and search engine rankings.
  • Security: Hosting providers implement security measures such as firewalls, encryption, and regular backups to protect websites from cyber threats and data loss.
  • Support: Good hosting providers offer technical support to assist with server-related issues, ensuring your website remains operational.
  • Scalability: As your website grows, your hosting plan should accommodate increased traffic and resource demands. Scalable hosting options like cloud hosting allow for flexibility in resource allocation.

9 Best Free Website Hosting in 2024

1. Ultimatefreehost. in

Ultimatefreehost. in is a web hosting service that stands out in the crowded hosting landscape by offering completely free hosting plans. Ideal for individuals and small businesses with limited budgets, Ultimatefreehost. provides a range of features designed to support basic website hosting needs without the typical financial commitment.


  • cPanel Control Panel: Users benefit from a user-friendly cPanel interface, empowering them to manage domains, databases, email accounts, and more with ease.
  • MySQL Databases: Essential for dynamic web applications, Ultimatefreehost.in supports MySQL databases, enabling users to store and manage data efficiently.
  • PHP Support: PHP compatibility allows users to run dynamic scripts, facilitating the development of interactive and functional websites.
  • Softaculous Installer: Simplifying the installation of popular CMS platforms and scripts such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal, Softaculous streamlines website setup and management.


  • Cost Efficiency: The standout advantage is its free hosting service, eliminating financial barriers for individuals and startups to establish an online presence.
  • User-Friendly Control Panel: With cPanel, users enjoy a familiar and intuitive interface for managing hosting resources and settings efficiently.
  • Script Support: Support for PHP and Softaculous makes it straightforward to deploy and maintain a variety of scripts and applications without technical expertise.


  • Resource Limitations: Free plans typically come with restricted resources (bandwidth, storage, etc.), which may not suffice for high-traffic websites or resource-intensive applications.
  • Performance Concerns: Users may experience slower loading times or occasional downtime compared to premium hosting services, impacting user experience and SEO.
  • Support Limitations: Free hosting often entails limited customer support options, potentially leading to longer response times or fewer support channels available for assistance.

2. WordPress.com

WordPress.com is a popular choice for beginners looking to create a website without the hassle of managing hosting themselves. For those new to website building, WordPress.com simplifies the process of getting started with blogging or creating a small business website. The availability of free themes and basic customization options allows users to personalize their sites to some extent without needing to delve into code. Here’s a more detailed look:


  • Free Plan: Provides a basic WordPress hosting experience with a WordPress.com subdomain (e.g., yoursite.wordpress.com).
  • Themes and Plugins: Access to a variety of free themes and limited plugins.
  • Storage: Up to 3 GB of storage space.
  • Support: Basic email support and community forums.
  • Customization: Limited compared to self-hosted WordPress but sufficient for basic needs.


  • Ease of Use: Ideal for beginners with its user-friendly interface and straightforward setup process.
  • Community and Support: Active community forums and basic support are available.
  • Basic SEO Tools: Includes basic tools to optimize your site for search engines.


  • Limited Customization: Restricted ability to customize compared to self-hosted WordPress.
  • Ads: WordPress.com ads are displayed on free sites unless you upgrade to a paid plan.
  • Monetization Restrictions: Limited options for monetization (e.g., no ad networks) unless you upgrade.

WordPress.com remains a solid choice for individuals and small businesses needing a simple online presence without the technical overhead of self-hosted solutions.

3. Wix

Wix is renowned for its drag-and-drop website builder, catering to users looking for intuitive design options without coding skills. Wix’s free plan offers users a Wix-branded subdomain (e.g., username.wixsite.com/siteaddress) and access to their powerful drag-and-drop website editor. Wix’s free plan is ideal for individuals and small businesses looking to quickly set up a visually appealing website without diving into technical complexities. The platform boasts hundreds of professionally designed templates across various categories, allowing users to create visually stunning websites without any coding skills. Users also benefit from up to 500 MB of storage space and bandwidth, although the bandwidth allocation is limited on the free plan. Here’s a closer look at what it offers:


  • Free Plan: Comes with a Wix branded subdomain (e.g., username.wixsite.com/siteaddress).
  • Website Builder: Drag-and-drop editor with hundreds of templates.
  • Storage: Up to 500 MB of storage.
  • Bandwidth: Limited bandwidth allocation.
  • Support: Extensive knowledge base and community forums.


  • User-Friendly Interface: This highly intuitive interface, makes it easy for beginners to create professional-looking websites.
  • Template Variety: Offers a wide selection of templates catering to different industries and styles.
  • App Market: Access to the Wix App Market for integrating additional features and functionalities into your site.


  • Wix Ads: Displays Wix ads on free sites, which can detract from the site’s professional appearance.
  • Limited Customization: While the drag-and-drop builder is convenient, customization options are somewhat restricted compared to paid plans.
  • Domain Restrictions: You cannot use a custom domain name unless you upgrade to a premium plan.

4. Weebly

Weeblyoffers another user-friendly website builder with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. The free plan from Weebly provides users with a Weebly-branded subdomain (e.g., yoursite.weebly.com) and access to their intuitive drag-and-drop editor. Users can choose from a variety of responsive templates designed for different industries and purposes. Weebly’s free plan includes up to 500 MB of storage and bandwidth, which is suitable for basic website needs. Here’s what you can expect from their free hosting plan:


  • Free Plan: Provides a Weebly subdomain (e.g., yoursite.weebly.com).
  • Website Builder: Drag-and-drop editor with responsive templates.
  • Storage: Up to 500 MB of storage.
  • Bandwidth: Limited bandwidth allocation.
  • Support: Access to a knowledge base and community forums.


  • Intuitive Builder: Weebly’s drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to create and edit websites without any coding knowledge.
  • eCommerce Support: Includes basic eCommerce functionality even on the free plan, allowing users to sell products online.
  • SEO Tools: Basic SEO tools are included to help optimize your site for search engines.


  • Weebly Ads: Displays ads on free sites, which may detract from the site’s professional appearance.
  • Design Limitations: While templates are responsive and professional, customization options are somewhat limited compared to paid plans.
  • No Custom HTML/CSS: You cannot edit the HTML/CSS directly on the free plan, restricting advanced customization options.

5. 000webhost

000webhostprovides free web hosting with a focus on simplicity and basic features. While 000webhost provides essential features for free hosting, such as PHP and MySQL support and a generous storage allocation, users should consider their support needs and performance expectations when choosing a hosting provider for more critical or high-traffic websites. Here’s a detailed overview of what they offer:


  • Free Plan: Offers a 000webhost branded subdomain (e.g., yoursite.000webhostapp.com).
  • Control Panel: Custom control panel with a one-click installer for easy setup.
  • Storage: 1 GB of storage space.
  • Bandwidth: 10 GB bandwidth allocation.
  • Support: Relies heavily on community forums and limited ticket-based support.


  • No Ads: Do not display ads on free sites, ensuring a cleaner user experience.
  • PHP and MySQL Support: Supports PHP scripts and MySQL databases, making it suitable for dynamic websites.
  • Ease of Use: Straightforward setup process, suitable for beginners looking to get started quickly.


  • Limited Support: Relies mainly on community forums for support, which may not provide timely responses to issues.
  • Performance Concerns: Uptime and speed can be inconsistent, affecting the overall reliability of your website.
  • Feature Limitations: Some advanced features may not be available, limiting scalability for growing websites.

6. InfinityFree

InfinityFreeoffers free web hosting with unlimited storage and bandwidth, aiming to provide a robust platform for hosting small to medium-sized websites. InfinityFree’s free hosting plan is suitable for users needing a reliable hosting solution with generous resource allocations. It’s particularly beneficial for hosting small to medium-sized websites, personal blogs, portfolios, and non-commercial projects where cost-effectiveness and resource availability are essential considerations. Here’s an in-depth look at its features:


  • Free Plan: Provides hosting without displaying forced ads on your site.
  • Control Panel: Uses the VistaPanel control panel for managing your hosting environment.
  • Storage: Offers unlimited storage space for your website files.
  • Bandwidth: Provides unlimited bandwidth allocation for handling website traffic.
  • Support: Offers community forums and limited ticket-based support options.


  • No Forced Ads: Do not display ads on your website, allowing for a cleaner user experience.
  • PHP and MySQL Support: Supports PHP scripts and MySQL databases, essential for dynamic website functionality.
  • Softaculous Installer: Includes Softaculous for easily installing popular scripts and applications.


  • Performance Considerations: Performance may be slower compared to paid hosting services, impacting site speed and responsiveness.
  • Limited Support Options: Relies primarily on community forums for support, which may not provide immediate assistance.
  • Fair Use Policy: While it offers unlimited storage and bandwidth, these resources are subject to a fair use policy, which may restrict heavy usage.

7. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Free Tier

Google Cloud Platform(GCP) offers a robust free tier allowing users to explore its cloud services, including hosting options. GCP’s free tier is developer-friendly, offering flexibility for customization and integration with other Google services and APIs. This flexibility makes it suitable for developers and businesses looking to build and deploy applications in a scalable and secure cloud environment. Here’s what you need to know about its free hosting capabilities:


  • Free Plan: Provides a $300 credit for new users valid for 12 months, allowing for extensive testing and usage.
  • Compute Engine: Access to micro-instances (f1-micro) for hosting your website.
  • Storage: Offers limited storage and bandwidth as part of the free tier allocation.
  • Support: Relies on documentation and community support forums for assistance.


  • Scalable Infrastructure: Built on Google’s global infrastructure, offering scalability and reliability for hosting needs.
  • Variety of Services: Beyond basic hosting, access to a wide range of cloud services and tools for developers and businesses.
  • Developer-Friendly: Ideal for developers familiar with cloud platforms and seeking advanced customization and integration options.


  • Technical Complexity: Requires technical expertise to set up and manage compared to traditional web hosting platforms.
  • Usage Limitations: Free tier limitations may be restrictive for production-level websites or applications, especially if traffic and resource usage are high.
  • Potential Costs: Costs can accrue beyond the $300 credit if usage exceeds free tier limits, requiring careful monitoring and management.

8. GitHub Pages

GitHub Pages offers free static website hosting directly from your GitHub repositories, catering primarily to developers and tech-savvy users.GitHub Pages supports Jekyll, a static site generator that simplifies blogging and site customization through themes and plugins. This feature enhances the flexibility and functionality of static websites hosted on the platform, catering to users requiring more than basic HTML/CSS sites. Here’s a comprehensive look at its offerings:


  • Free Plan: Hosts static sites directly from GitHub repositories.
  • Custom Domain: Supports custom domain names for your websites.
  • Bandwidth: Provides generous bandwidth limits suitable for most static websites.
  • Support: Relies on the GitHub community and extensive documentation for support.


  • Developer-Friendly: Built on Git and GitHub’s version control system, making it easy to manage and update your site content.
  • No Ads: Do not display ads or force branding on your website, ensuring a clean user experience.
  • Scalability: Supports Jekyll, allowing for blogging capabilities and site customization through themes and plugins.


  • Static Limitations: Limited to static websites (HTML, CSS, JS), with no support for server-side scripting languages like PHP or databases.
  • Technical Requirements: Requires familiarity with Git and GitHub for site updates and management, which may be a barrier for non-technical users.
  • Advanced Features: Lack of server-side processing limits functionality for dynamic content

9. Awardspace

Awardspaceoffers free web hosting with a focus on reliability and essential features, catering to users looking for a straightforward hosting solution without upfront costs.


  • Free Plan: Awardspace’s free hosting plan includes a subdomain (e.g., yoursite.awardspace.com) and provides basic hosting features suitable for small websites and personal projects.
  • Control Panel: The hosting service includes a user-friendly control panel for managing website files, databases, email accounts, and domain settings.
  • Storage and Bandwidth: Users receive a limited amount of storage space and monthly bandwidth, sufficient for hosting small to medium-sized websites with moderate traffic.
  • Support: Support options include a knowledge base, FAQs, and a ticket-based system for resolving technical issues and inquiries.


  • Reliability: Awardspace emphasizes reliability with robust servers and infrastructure, ensuring minimal downtime and consistent performance for hosted websites.
  • Free of Ads: The free hosting plan does not display ads on websites, preserving the site’s professional appearance and user experience.
  • One-Click Installer: Awardspace offers a one-click installer for easily installing popular CMS platforms and applications such as WordPress, Joomla, and more, enhancing website functionality.


  • Limited Resources: The free plan includes limited storage space and bandwidth, which may restrict the scalability and growth of websites with increasing traffic or data needs.
  • Support Limitations: While Awardspace provides support through a ticket-based system, response times and availability may vary, especially during peak periods or for complex issues.

That’s all for Free Website Hosting

In conclusion, choosing the best free website hosting in 2024 involves careful consideration of various factors such as features, limitations, support options, and long-term scalability. Each hosting provider reviewed—WordPress.com, Wix, Weebly, 000webhost, InfinityFree, GitHub Pages, Awardspace, Freehostia, and HelioHost—offers unique advantages tailored to different user needs, from beginners looking for simplicity to developers seeking flexibility and advanced features.

FAQs on Best Free Website Hosting in 2024

Which free website hosting provider is best for beginners?

WordPress.com is ideal for beginners due to its user-friendly interface, pre-designed templates, and straightforward setup process. It’s suitable for creating basic websites without the need for technical skills.

Can I use a custom domain with free website hosting?

Yes, but with limitations. Some free hosting providers offer the option to use a custom domain name, either through purchasing one separately or using a subdomain provided by the hosting service. However, not all free plans support custom domains, and additional costs may apply for domain registration or mapping.

Is free website hosting suitable for eCommerce websites?

While some free hosting providers offer basic eCommerce functionality (e.g., Weebly), free plans typically lack advanced features and security measures necessary for robust eCommerce operations. Businesses planning to scale their eCommerce presence should consider investing in a reliable, secure hosting solution.

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